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By Anonymous

As the water splashed and rocked the boat, it became more and more unstable. Walton knew his boat would soon capsize, sending him to a slow death. His heart sank as he saw a rock, peeking its soaked gray head out of the water as the current splashed it. Walton, to no avail, tried to use an oar to steer away from the rock. When he felt a bump and heard the crashing of broken wood, he knew his time had come. As the water seeped through the cracks and onto his shoes, Walton closed his eyes and reflected on his life. His regrets, his joys, and his young daughter. “Hanna.” he whispered to himself. Her innocent smile and her laugh, which filled him with the heartwarming feeling of pure bliss. His mind didn’t cease its thoughts until Walton was submerged. The current threw him vigorously as he choked and gasped for air. As he became less and less aware, he thought of his daughter once more, and wished the world farewell. For just a moment he felt weightless, but then felt a cold feeling on his foot. Walton opened his eyes, and found himself lying in his bed at home. His daughter was at the end of the bed playing with Walton’s feet. She looked at him and smiled, he smiled back thought whether he was dead or alive, he was in heaven.

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